ZULHAZRI RAZALI, 56 years old

I’ve been doing my annual medical check-ups without fail since 2008. Initially, my PSA was below 3. However, from 2014, it started creeping up and by 2018, it was already in the double digit.

But I had no symptoms whatsoever. Hence, I kept on with my regular extreme cycling. In 2017, I covered 320km in one day by cycling from Shah Alam to Teluk lntan and back. The following year, I also went on a GS Motoride expedition over 13 days to Thailand and Myanmar.

Everything changed when during a medical check-up in 2021, my PSA shot up to 25. Not convinced, I retested at different labs. But they all produced the same number. That was when the urologist dropped the bombshell – that I have prostate cancer.

As usual, the diagnostic protocols then took effect with MRI , Biopsy and PSMA and PET scans. Finally, all the biopsy reports had the word Adrinocarcinoma clearly written on it. I was shattered as I had experienced not even slight pain or discomfort symptoms.

The first thing I did was to share the “breaking news” with my family. We considered the various treatment options, for which I consulted various urologists and surgeons. All said the same thing – Radiation Therapy (RT) or Radical Prostatectomy (RP) and do it fast. I chose RP which was done on 22nd October, 2021.

My outlook on life has changed since then. I went to hospital a healthy man… but returned sick with a sarong and tube inside my penis. The recovery phase was thankfully fast. Yes, I did experience incontinence but it improved gradually despite I not having much Kegel exercises. As for erectile dysfunction or ED, I managed to make the “pistol” work with the assistance of some medication and gadgets.

It has been about 2-years now since my RP and I am glad that my PSA is still undetectable. lnsha’Allah, with continuous exercise, managed diet and less stress, I hope to keep the PSA down.

I joined PCSM after the surgery and it was a good platform to learn and understand about everybody’s different conditions and options for treatment.

And for those who’re already in the same boat as me, regardless of the level of your PCa, continue the journey and make every effort to live with it. Make Your Life Worth Living.

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